About Me

Hi there! My name is Amit Dhanani, and I am an experienced IT professional with over 13 years of expertise in IT infrastructure and security solutions, including Cybrersecurity/Penetration Testing, Linux Infra Setup/Linux Kernel/Network, DevSecOps/DevOps, AWS,KVM,Linux Bridge,OpenVswitch(OVS),Openflow,Openstack, Docker/Kubernetes/EKS/ECS/Consul, Docker, automation of IT infrastructures(Ansible/Terraform/Puppet/Chef/Python/Bash/C/Expect/PHP/etc), Machine Learning and Data Science. Detailed Resume is at https://amitdhanani.in/detailed-resume/

I am also digging in Permaculture/Self Sufficiency, Quantum Computing/Quantum Cryptography/Quantum Machine Learning,Parallel Programming/Processing, Emotional Intelligence, Astrophysics and Theoritical Physics.

Can build custom cloud & automation systems without using “any
open source cloud software like openstack/cloudstack or vmware
etc” from scratch. I worked on such system design and

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WhatsApp Group for Spiritual Understanding


WhatsApp Group for Permaculture, Sustainable way of living and Self Sufficiency


I am happy to serve project base work with full documentation & full ownership of Project in any of my service mention in my website. You contact me on my email for further. I don’t believe in parallel work with Job Kind thing.

If you are interested in learning more about my professional achievements, feel free to check out my LinkedIn profile.

Whatever I earn it will be for me and wish to utilize it at needy village/slum using permaculture via skills/resources which make them to grow their needs independently/Self Sufficient like electricity,water,house,farming,cloths weaving,education,library,etc. I want support from like minded for such thing also in case of time, guidance and individual efforts. Most welcome to my services and like minded. You can contact me on my email mentioned at end of page.

Curiosity is mother of understanding. Never reject curiosity but encourage it

We are ourself laws and interconnected with other laws (like cells in body) in existence and new laws are manifested continuesly

Existence is infinite recursion of Engery/Laws (With respect to begining and end of manifested existence)

I explored self and almost all major scripture including Samkhya Darshan by Swami Niranjanananada Sarasawati(Yog publication trust munger,bihar,India), Bhagawad Gita(God talks with arjuna by sri sri param hans yogananda),Understanding ramayana as rama within by G.L Narayan, Swami Vivekanand, Second coming of christ within by Sri Sri Paramhans yogananada, Kabir, Nanak, Dhampda, Tao Te Ching(My favourit one), Heart Sutra, Diamond Sutra,Lotus Sutra,Zen/( some of thich nhat hanh like “the other shore”, “Understadning our mind,etc), “The Art of Living: The Vipassana meditation as taught by S.N. GOENKA by William Hart, mahasatipatthana sutta & satipatthana sutta by Goenka” and Tibetan Buddism, Tatwa bodh & Atma Bodh by Adisankra, Upanisad by Eknath, Asta Vakra Gita, Avdhut Gita, Gnaneshwari Gita, VIgyan Bhairavi Tantra by Swami Satyanand Saraswati (Yog publication trust munger,bihar,India) & Four Chapters on Freedom Commenatry on Yogsutras of Patanjali by Swami Satyanand Saraswati (Yog publication trust munger,bihar,India),Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swami Muktibodhananda (Yog publication trust munger,bihar,India), Sankhya Philosophy by Swami Nirajananda Saraswati,Sufi/Rumi (Sufi Path of Love by William C. Chittick and other Rumi books)/Mansoor/Attar/Hakim Sanai/Byzid/Bulleh Shah/Sant Ravidas/Farid/Kabir/Nanak/Guru Granth,Bible,Zohar, Kabbalist, St. Thomas, St. Francis Of Assisi, Alan Watts, Essays in Zen Buddhism by Suzuki, OSHO(all commentary on various scriptures like Diamond sutra,Heart Sutra,Unio Mystica(Sufi),OSHO come follow to you(on Jesus),Tao Upanishad , Patanjali Yogsutra, Es Dhammo Sanantano – Dhampad from Osho, Shiva Sutra by Osho ,etc), Jin sutra by OSHO, etc., Mira bai, Reason Not to worry(Stoic) by Brigid Delaney,
Chinmayi Amrutanubhav by Swami Anubhavananda (Amrutanubhav Given by Sant/Saint Gyaneshwar but its translated here in this book) ,Karl Marx, Periyar(Ramaswami), Dr. Amedkar, Jyotiba Phule, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (Mahatma Gandhi), A P J Kalam, Dr. Vikash Divyakirti’s Videos on YouTube,etc

There is no heaven or hell apart from state of mind or this earth because its not possible to have complete favourable situations or non-favourable situtions in whole existence as all made of all dualities (like good and bad, suffering and happiness, begining and end ,etc)

Evil and Good is part of nature like Order and Disorder, all are bound by laws. Best way to live life is with love, non-violence, skills/knowledge, help each other, efforts and avoid those where there is no possibility of love for peaceful life and peaceful long term sustainable society.

Body Senses can be hacked like using technology so, Senses are an illusion

Whoever is governing law/energy/tao/Inconceivable void ( “not describable with words –  unmanifested source a emptiness of manifested existence,  a transcend from all  duality or beyond all duality (good-bad, like-dislike , beginning -end,  etc) ” ) for existence is only want harmony via love not any kind of worship nor anything in return but just it folllows its duty(unbiased from worship,praise,favor and abuse). Existence is made of laws and energy and continuous new laws new manifestation. Energy can not differentiate from law because identity of energy is only possible by some thing which define it(law), hence energy is itself combination of law and energy. To understand we use two separate thing energy and law. Hence source of existence is not law or energy but something inseparable of law and energy which can not understandable.

Prayer and chanting as mediation (or any medidation technique) can help for stable mind, guidance and strength on right path.

We are all part of emptiness of self because we all are connected with each other including cosmos like as one body where we support each other with our human duty. (Inter being – As per “Art of living by thich nhat hanh and Heart Sutra”)

Life is itself a journey to learn wisdom from it via understading pain-pleasure. The first step is good qualities which make you neutral to understand life without bias. The right way to dig the truth is  “Buddha/etc saints did self experimenting, understanding,experiencing,reading, learning,contemplating and  understanding your life journey before believing anything.”. I also support somewhat Anarchism no ruler at all but mutual understanding.

I can share-care and help you to have peace in life in my service which is free 1:1 peace counselling at https://topmate.io/amit_dhanani/251984

Please navigate menus on top of page for more info.

For Free Learning see my Blog menu on top right and also my YouTube Channel mentioned in below.

You can also contact me on https://topmate.io/amit_dhanani for free IT career counselling

My other website for science and fun for sharing caring and learning is https://sciencewithme.net/